Upgrading Pocket AnyNotes to version 3.01
Very detailed instruction
This instruction is userful only if you are using AnyNotes for synchronizing data with pocket device.
Make sure you have already installed desktop AnyNotes v5.02. If you only upgrade one side, you will not be able to synchronize your data! To upgrade desktop AnyNotes, close AnyNotes, run the installation file anynotes50.exe and follow the on-screen instruction.
The procedure for the Pocket AnyNotes depends of the Windows Mobile version on your device.
Windows Mobile 6, Windows Mobile 5
1. Put your device into the cradle and wait until ActiveSync on the desktop computer displays 'Connected, Synchronized'.
2. Make sure Pocket AnyNotes is NOT running on your device. If it is, quit it by performing Tools > Exit command.
3. On the desktop computer, run the installation file p-anynotes30.exe
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Once installation process on the device is over, pull your device OFF the cradle.
6. Put your device back into the cradle.
7. Wait until ActiveSync on the desktop computer displays 'Connected, Synchronized'.
8. That's it, you are ready to synchronize between regular desktop AnyNotes and Pocket AnyNotes.
Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (a.k.a. Windows CE 4.20)
1. Pull your device OFF the cradle.
2. On the desktop computer, open Microsoft ActiveSync.
3. In the ActiveSync menu go to Tools > Options...
4. In the Sync Options tab, UNCHECK the box next to AnyNotes and click OK.
5. Put your device into the cradle and wait until ActiveSync on the desktop computer displays 'Connected, Synchronized'.
6. Make sure Pocket AnyNotes is NOT running on your device. If it is, quit it by performing Tools > Exit command.
6. On the desktop computer, run the installation file p-anynotes30.exe
7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
8. Once installation process on the device is over, again pull your device OFF the cradle.
9. On desktop computer in the ActiveSync menu go to Tools > Options...
10. In the Sync Options tab, put the check mark in the box next to AnyNotes and click OK.
11. Again put your device into the cradle.
12. Wait until ActiveSync on the desktop computer displays 'Connected, Synchronized'.
13. That's it, you are ready to synchronize between regular desktop AnyNotes and Pocket AnyNotes.